AutoTransTech 2015 workshop in Kazan

INTERNATIONAL PROJECT ROADSHOW - Repair of control plates, April 14, 2015, Kazan

Host Party: Center for Automatic Transmissions (Center-AT) Kazan

Location: Russia, Kazan, ul. Korolenko, 30, Hotel "New"

Duration: 1 day


  • typical malfunctions of control plates in hydraulics;
  • methods for determining the wear of holes, how to correctly determine the cause of a malfunction;
  • vacuum tester - the answer to many questions in the control panel. Proper use. Calibration of a tester, definition of malfunctions;
  • 09G transmission - solving problems with the control panel;
  • 6T40 transmission - solving problems with the control panel;
  • reamer is an important tool during repair, the reamer of the reamer is necessary, how to correctly determine the reamer quality, 5 basic drilling rules, the fixing method is a guarantee of the quality of work;
  • lubricants and tools necessary for repair of control plates;
  • testing solenoids, how to learn to read graphs;
  • Solenoid Tester - important equipment for determining the quality of solenoids, both new and reconditioned;
  • VB Tester - equipment for diagnosing the work performed, warranty on repair of the control plate;
  • repair practice, you can try to perform the repair yourself under the supervision of Sonnax technical specialists;
  • the use of repair kits in the repair of automatic transmission.

Speakers :

  • ADEL YAKUPOV - Director of AT Kazan Center, technical consultant of AUTOTRANSTECH;
  • representative of the company TRANSTEC ANTON SHATUNOV.